Nov 9, 2022

Tubers, Turtles, and Turkeys

Harold's Navy brother, Kevin, has been after us to come to Barnesville, MN, for Potato Days for years. This year we finally made it. From the mashed potato wrestling to the strongman contest, we enjoyed watching the contestants. Then there were the food vendors offering all kinds of potato fare in addition to your usual festival foods. The festival ended at with a parade. Since Kevin's home was at the end of the parade route, his grandkids really made out on the candy end of things. 

Potato farming equipment on display

Mashed potato wrestling

Potato peeling contest

Potato sack tying and stacking contest

How high can you hoist a 100 pound bag of potatoes?

Mashed potato eating contest

Driving to our base campground, Country Campground, in Detroit Lakes, we picked up tourism literature and discovered that turtle races are held every Wednesday during the summer in Perham, MN. We made it to the last turtle race of the summer with over 50 participants. Turtles are provided in case you're wondering. We thought that was a lot of participants until we learned that the all-time high was 563 participants. That's a lot of racers. We chatted with a retired Chamber of Commerce representative after the event, and he treated us to lunch with free buffet coupons at the local Pizza Ranch. I like free lunches. 

And they're off...

On our way back from the turtle races, we stopped long enough to get our photo in Frazee, MN, with the world's largest turkey. Sorry, Rockingham County and Virginia, Minnesota's got you beat by a long shot. 

World's largest turkey - 22' tall

Where Are We Going Next?

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