Feb 22, 2023

Dollywood Christmas

We had heard that the Christmas lights at Dollywood were something to see. I don't know that it was much different from any other amusement park's holiday lights, but we did enjoy them. Most of our photos of the lights did not turn out though. 

Our first day at the park, the day after Christmas, the park opened late due to the extreme cold. We figured we'd catch a couple of the indoor shows and come up with a game plan for subsequent visits. Well, the park ended up closing less than 5 hours later. The flurries forecasted became a steady, light snow around dusk. Dollywood itself has a lot of elevation changes, and the paths around the park were slick. Everything quickly became a treacherous mix of ice and snow. The roads around Pigeon Forge were a mess. Temperatures stayed below freezing for much of the next day, and Dollywood stayed closed. 

We went to the park in the early afternoon on our next visit. The park was super crowded with folks squeezing in their Dollywood visit. The plan was to stay late and see the lights. Well, it got rather cold when that sun went down. Temperatures were above freezing, but it was cold. We rode the coal-fired train, made a quick lap around the park, and called it good. I was so glad I had bought a heavier coat just before the cold snap!

Our last day we got to the park at opening. Our goal was to ride a couple of rides before the lines got long and see one more show. We left around mid-afternoon. The temperatures were much nicer that day, making the experience much more enjoyable. That should have been our late night to see the lights. Oh well. We were quite glad we had gotten the 3-day pass. We didn't feel like we had to do everything and see everything in one day. 

Park closing, time to go

It's freezing out!

About our speed

Wild Eagle - great roller coaster

Cinderella - coal fired

Cinderella and the Old Grist Mill

Cinnamon Swirl Bread - Yum!

Dolly tour bus

Where Are We Going Next?

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