Feb 18, 2023

It's Cold!

We knew that Tennessee had the potential to be cold in December and January. We just weren't quite ready for the severe cold snap that occurred around Christmas. Much of the country was experiencing blizzard and subzero temperatures. In comparison, we had it good. Still, we managed to set a new record low for our RV experience, 0° F.  

Thankfully, the New Aire performed great. We heat through our Oasis hydronic heater. Electric elements in the heater put out 10,000 BTUs. The diesel burner component of the heater puts out 50,000 BTUs. We burned a fair amount of diesel during the cold snap. We do not have any propane onboard. 

I was a bit concerned about the fuel filter freezing or even having the diesel fuel gel up. I guess we kept fuel flowing often enough that the filter didn't freeze. I learned that most of the diesel fuel sold after October has an additive to help prevent freezing. 

We were ever so grateful for the heated tile floors and that we never lost electric power. Well, there was that 15 minute rolling blackout that we didn't know was going to happen. Talk about a moment or two of panic. Anyway, we turned the floors up as high as they could go, moving the floor rugs to areas of the floor that were not heated, namely the dinette slideout and the engine cover hump in the bedroom. That radiant heat really helped us stay warm.  Between the Oasis and the floors, we stayed a comfortable 66 - 68°F. 

We did frost up the front windshield since we don't have a dehumidifier. We also stuffed throw pillows into the side window boxes next to the headboard in the bedroom.

We do have a heated water hose, and we insulated the water spigot upon our arrival. Even so with the extreme cold, we drained the outside hoses and shut off the spigot, running water from the tank and filling as needed. 

A couple of days later, we even had a bit of snow. The kids from Florida next to us had never seen snow. They were delighted. I'm thinking we head further south next year. 


Staying toasty

Snowy Sunrise!


Where Are We Going Next?


  1. Poor flamingos

  2. You guys are living the life! Even with the bitter cold, it looks so relaxing. My wife and I can't wait to retire and start touring all the national parks. (As long as I can fish. :-) )

    1. Maybe we'll have to meet up at one of the parks. We've got a ways to go yet.
