Apr 13, 2024

Channel Islands National Park

February 3, 2024

We were going to content ourselves with a stop at the mainland visitor center for Channel Islands National Park. A day trip involved a boat ride and the islands themselves have little or no infrastructure. The weather would be too cold for swimming, and we're not much on water activities. So did we really want to shell out the money for a boat ride just to walk around an island for a bit? 

In the end, we found a half-day wildlife cruise around Anacapa Island. The cruise did not stop on the island itself, just cruised by landmarks such as the lighthouse, famous Arch Rock and Keyhole Arch. We saw dolphin pods and seals resting on the rocks, and lots of birds. It was a pleasant way to spend a morning. 

A couple of days later, after the atmospheric rivers had dumped rain on the area, we made it to the visitor center in Ventura. Got to get that passport stamp!

Away we go!

Oil rig platform

Watching a pod of dolphins

Anacapa in the green

Arch Rock with seals on the left

Arch Rock and lighthouse

Where Are We Going Next?

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