Apr 24, 2024

High School Aquarium

February 21, 2024

I was intrigued when I saw the event listing of a free open house at Cabrillo High School Aquarium. I had never heard of a high school with its own aquarium big enough to sponsor an event. With a quick perusal of their website, we added the event to our calendar. 

We were totally impressed. Students manned the event, eagerly talking about the various species in the tanks as well as the systems for maintaining the water quality. They had a freshwater tank, a tidal tank, and several saltwater tanks. The event had craft activities for younger kids. They had touch tanks and even a puppet show. All of this was done by the students. 

They have science classes geared to each grade level and points toward field trips can be earned by doing extra, such as helping to maintain the tanks in the summer months. Students apply for grants and help at public events and tours. Our camping neighbor next door went to the event as well. She has a masters degree in marine biology, and she said that this high school had better resources than the university where she obtained her degree.  

It was quite refreshing to see this kind of involvement, commitment, and responsibility in teens. All we can say, is "Wow!" 

There's even more than this

Lobster anyone?

Movie star tank

Shark egg layed earlier in the day

Baby shark

Touch tanks with starfish, urchins, anemones, etc.

Black light effect

Where Are We Going Next?

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