Apr 27, 2024

Mendenhall Museum Delights

February 28, 2024

The Mendenhall Museum in Buellton, CA, had a couple of surprises for us. The website says its a museum of gasoline pumps and petroliana. Well, it was that, plus license plates, plus racing memorabilia, plus, plus, plus, including mom's kitchen. One could easily spend hours there looking at all the signs. The tour lasts a good hour and a half, and goes by fast. The tours are typically led by a member of the Mendenhall family.

The first surprise was in their own little gift shop. No less than two jigsaw puzzles have artist renditions of the premises. The story behind the Springbok one is interesting. The Wheels Up one has been discontinued, but the museum has a couple.

The second surprise was the sign for Endless Caverns and the city license plates for both Winchester and Harrisonburg, VA. I'm quite curious as to how those items made it out to CA. 

It was a fun visit for sure!

The Mendenhalls live on the upper level


Endless Caverns

Harrisonburg and Winchester city license 

Check out the old fuel pumps

Puzzle inspiration

Puzzle inspiration

Over 200 mph

Mom's kitchen

That looks familiar

No glue needed

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