May 4, 2021

Abandoned on the Trail

Steve needed a little more help moving RVs to his sales lot. This time he let me pull travel trailers, which are much shorter and have less mass than the fifth wheels he had me move previously. Plus, all trips were in daylight hours.  He also let me move RVs without him.  Elizabeth went with me on the first few trips to get out of the house for a while.

He even provided me with addresses, gate codes and a crude back-of-the-napkin type maps to make sure I could get there and back again.

In the last snow fall of the year.

The first trailer was a lightweight single-axle Aspen Trail.  I think it weighed less than the truck, but there was an issue with the weather....

In the mud bowl, AKA the manufacturer's lot.

The second one, he allowed me to use his new truck! Nice ride with chilled seats and it is a torque monster.

Numbers three and four.

Now it is getting to be old hat.

Steve's empty sales lot

The reason Steve needed my help is he has sold off all his inventory of travel trailers.  Recreational Vehicle (RV) sales are HOT right now.  It is a good problem to have, but on the down side, he has no travel trailers to show people.  He is selling them faster than the factory can produce them.  In the photo above you see one class A RV and some fifth wheels that are for sale. The single travel trailer you see is already sold...  This lot is normally full of trailers. 

I do joke with Steve about being a non-paid employee, but I am having fun helping out family by wearing out some pickup trucks.  It keeps me from getting bored while waiting for our current motor home to sell and our new motor home to come off the production line.

I have moved two motor homes for him, one to the Ford dealer for some warrantee work, and one to a heavy duty diesel shop for third party inspection that was requested by a customer as a contingency on its sale. 

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