May 14, 2021

Solitary Confinement

I am currently a part time, on-call employee as a Federal Government contractor.

I was tapped to act as the test conductor on a US Navy ship.  Due to Covid 19 pandemic restrictions, prior to embarking the ship and interacting face-to-face with the ship's crew, I had to self-quarantine for fourteen days near the ship's port in a hotel.  I was assigned to cell 812.

On "cell block" eight

Well, I was lucky enough to get a long-term stay hotel with a separate living room and bedroom. It has a small kitchen with an oven being the only missing appliance. I had an interesting view out the window but it was noisy as the interstate ran right outside the hotel.

The five construction cranes were entertaining

Now I know how the Apollo Astronauts felt like when they returned to earth, but I was in this alone.

Apollo 11 Crew in an Airstream with an important visitor. President Nixon.

I was allowed out of my room to engage in low and moderate-low risk actives so twice I got takeout Sushi. Mmmmmmm, Sushi.

It is sad to see high end Sushi in a plastic box, Yes there is O-Toro in there!

Well, on about day ten I was told to go home. One of the required pieces of the test needed some attention. So, the ship's schedule slid right. I get to do this all over again in a couple of weeks.  UGH.

So how would you react to two weeks in solitary?

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