May 31, 2021

Bye-Bye Email Subscription

A fair number of you have signed up for our email subscription. You get an email with our blog post when we post a new entry. We have been notified that Feedburner, the company that provides that service, will be discontinuing the service. We thought the service expired at the end of June. Apparently, it's the beginning of June. 

We are considering our options. We may leave our blog here and continue posting. The only difference is that you no longer get an email when we post something new. We may also move the blog to a different website that has an email subscription feature. We're looking at switching to Wordpress, but haven't designed the page yet. 

We will be a bit busy over the next couple of weeks with the arrival of our new coach and some friends and family time. So time devoted to blog decisions will be limited. We will continue to post something about once a week and we'll let you know what we decide. 

Thanks for reading.

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