Aug 24, 2022

Chalking Up Another Mine

We've toured a coal mine, a gold mine, a salt mine, and now, a chalk mine. The Happy Jack Peak and Chalk Mine is in Scotia, Nebraska. We were staying about an hour away at Grand Island KOA and decided to make the drive out to the mine, only one of two diatomic mines in the United States. It's privately owned and tours are held on weekends as guests arrive. We had our own private tour. The whole place looks to be a labor of love that could use some capital.

Most of the mining was done in the 1930's and 1940's by an Omaha paint company. The rock was used as filler in paint. However, the rock was used as building material prior to that, and a chalk building still stands in Scotia. The state had wanted to operate the mine as a recreational area after it closed. However, they decided it wouldn't be feasible. Much of the mine has been filled in. Some areas are off limits for safety reasons. 

After being essentially abandoned, it was used by people as a local hang-out. From dancing in the grand room to motorcycle racing through the tunnels, it was a cool place to escape the heat. Eventually it was purchased by a few folks and a non-profit was formed to preserve the history and provide a glimpse into the past. 


Sand dollar

Invading roots brought mushrooms

More roots causing issues

Time trial racing area

Bat habitat

Tools of the trade

Partially filled tunnels

Why was Jack happy climbing this peak?

Chalk building in Scotia

Corner of the building

Where Are We Going Next?

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