Aug 20, 2022

One Week Later

 So many possibilities for naming this post....

Tree-1, RV-0


Our New Favorite Tree

His Eye on the Sparrow

3:30 am Wake Up Call

A mere one week after finishing our warranty service appointment at the mothership in Nappanee, we were sleeping soundly when a severe thunderstorm struck. We woke just after 3:30 a.m. to acorns hitting the roof, wondering at first if it was hail. A few minutes later we heard a thud, felt some shaking, and another ominous thud. Harold got up to investigate.

He came back in to tell me that a tree had fallen, just grazing our bus. We had a busted bedroom window and would probably need a chainsaw to cut some limbs. I opened the blinds a little, and in a flash of lightning could see tree leaves right against my window. I started giving thanks right then and there.

Recently we had been reminded of that wonderful hymn, His Eye is on the Sparrow. It certainly applied to us. When daylight came, we saw just how close we had come to having a tree trunk smash our bus. Another tree had slowed its fall with the main trunk going to the further side and only the smaller fork toward our bus.

A neighboring camper, Mike, came over with his sawzall. Another camper, Randy, soon joined. Together with Harold, they managed to get the branches from our bus. Again, we have much for which to be grateful.

We had a shattered bedroom window. Thank the Lord for safety glass. We had paint scratches, but as far as we could tell, no major damage. Thank you Lord. 

Right by the bedroom slideout

Mike and his sawzall

Our new favorite tree taking the beating

The next day we stopped at Bish's RV of Lincoln to have a service technician inspect the roof and bedroom slideout. We wanted another set of eyes looking for leaks or loose parts that may cause damage as we traveled. Bish's gets five stars in our book. We called them Saturday morning as we were passing through Lincoln. They understood our situation and fit us in immediately. We had called an RV dealer near where we were going to stay, and they were two months behind on estimates! 

We have slide topper and top rail damage in addition to the broken window and paint scratches. Thankfully, the technician did not spot any showstoppers. Good thing, because the window alone is a 6 to 8 week backorder! 

While it's sad to see our beautiful bus with a taped window and scratches, we're quite grateful that we were spared serious damage. 

Maybe we'll name our bus Sparrow. God certainly had his eye on us. The bus is on the smaller side, like a sparrow, and as Harold pointed toward the windshield, it eats a lot of bugs!

1 comment:

  1. Nice meeting/ chatting with both of you. Just finished that beer you gave me. It was soooooo goooof!
