Jan 28, 2023

Thanksgiving - Family and Friends

This year we opted for a slightly nontraditional Thanksgiving. That didn't stop us from eating a Thanksgiving breakfast with Dad and Catherine at a restaurant in Staunton. 

Thanksgiving breakfast at Kathy's

My dad is a shareholder in a cabin at the edge of the George Washington National Forest. So that's where we headed for our family gathering. We met on Saturday at the "camp" to allow family to spend time with their in-law families on Thanksgiving.  

We created hobo packets and cooked them over the fire. Though our meal was not the usual turkey dinner, we didn't skip the pies. I made a pecan pie using the pecans we picked in NC. Allen, my brother-in-law, made a cranberry apple pie and a cream pie. Yum!

Chris and Becki, who were camping at Natural Bridge with us, joined our family for the day. Chris is one of Harold's high school buddies who has stayed in touch with us. As Chris and Becki are beginning their full-time RV life, we're hoping to see them more frequently.

Speaking of old friends, my week ended with dinner with three of my friends from first grade. I'm so thankful for these true friends, one of whom I can say is my sister now. Her mom married my dad a few years ago.  

What a wonderful time.

Karen and Allen making their packets

Us with Chris and Becki

Cooking away

Scott, Chris, Becki, Harold

Time to eat

The first graders - Tammy (now my sister), Donna, Sissy

Where Are We Going Next?


  1. Good times! I always enjoyed time at the line shack and I would totally be on board with hobo lunches in Lou of the full turkey spread.😋

  2. One downside for us was that not everyone's packets were ready at the same time. We'll have to plan better next time or do some things a little differently.
