Oct 5, 2022

Center of North America

From our campsite at Shadehill Reservoir, we moved to Bismarck, ND, for a couple of days. We took a late afternoon boat ride down the Missouri River on the Lewis-Clark Riverboat. It was rather toasty that day. We were happy just to relax and enjoy the cruise. The next day we visited the North Dakota Heritage Center and State Museum.

We then moved to Grahams Island State Park near Devils Lake. Grahams Island has full hookups and is big rig friendly. Devils Lake is the largest natural water body in North Dakota and is a duck hunting and fishing destination, including ice fishing in winter. Brr…

Not a bad view for a campground 

On the Grahams Island causeway

We took a day trip to Rugby, ND. It’s the center of North America, not to be confused with Belle Fourche, SD, the center of the nation. After the obligatory photo at the monument, we spent a couple of hours at the Prairie Village Museum. It’s a collection of around thirty buildings, some of which are filled with antique vehicles and farm implements. Other buildings are filled with displays to represent their purpose in a bygone era, such as a store, a bank, and a school.

We finished our stay with a lunch at the cafĂ© beside the museum. I was surprised at the size of the zucchini and yellow squash. I guess most people don’t let them get that big. I guess I’m a sucker though. Since someone’s grandson was selling them, I bought a single zucchini. It weighed in at 3 pounds. We ate a meal of zucchini spears, zucchini stir fry, and two loaves of zucchini bread. 

Center of North America

Harold, the short one

Implement Building

Wagon for fire ladders

Prairie Village Museum

A three pound zucchini

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