Oct 8, 2022

Ft Totten and White Horse

From our Grahams Island base, we visited nearby Ft. Totten, a state historical site. After its military use, it became a boarding school for Native Americans. Other than chatting with the lady from Virginia who was the hostess for the on-site bed and breakfast, the unique thing I remember was the heart-shaped art made from braided hair. Kind of gross in my opinion, but apparently a thing people did to remember their loved ones.

Ft. Totten

Hair Art

Classroom at Ft. Totten

Just down the road we drove through the WhiteHorse Hill National Game Preserve. We only saw a couple of bison and did not see any of the elk population. We did get a tremendous view of the area after climbing 191 steps to the overlook.

It was very windy

191 Steps

Where Are We Going Next?

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