Oct 29, 2022

Gooseberry Falls and Two Harbors

Two Harbors and  Gooseberry Falls State Park is about the furthest south we headed from Silver Bay.  With its upper, middle, and lower falls along with a catwalk under the highway bridge, it's easy to see the attraction of Gooseberry Falls. We stopped by on a Sunday afternoon and quickly decided to return another day when it wasn't so crowded. We happened to stop by after it had rained the night prior. Wow, what a difference in the water flow. 

Interesting roots

After the rain

Middle falls - boys were swimming on the right the day before

Upper Falls Day 1

Upper Falls the next day

The Lake County Historical Society in Two Harbors has a discounted admission ticket for three of its museums -  the 3M Birthplace Museum, the Depot Museum, and the Lighthouse Museum. You can easily see all three in a couple of hours. 

Humble beginnings

Wetordry Sandpaper - 320 grit what started it all

Working lighthouse B&B

Wheelhouse at the Lighthouse Museum

Mallet Locomotive

Yet another steam locomotive

You can then end your day with pie. We tested pies at both Betty's and the Rustic Inn. We might need additional testing to determine the best. Locals we met camping prefer Rustic Inn as opposed to Betty's. I don't know....

Not a bad way to end a day

Where Are We Going Next?


  1. Hi there...what kind of pie is that?

  2. It was a peach apple rhubarb or something like that. It was not their signature Great Lakes Crunch because they were sold out of those. Still good though.
