Oct 22, 2022

Voyageurs - A Long Time in Coming

Over ten years ago we made our first attempt to see Voyageurs National Park. We were on motorcycle. We stopped for a break and noticed we had a tire going bad. We immediately turned around.  Then within the last couple of years, we've wanted to add it to our schedule while in MN, but it just never panned out. So this year we were determined to get that stamp in our passport book.


I had planned to treat Voyageurs much like we did Biscayne. That is, stop by the visitor center and take a short hike. We don't paddle or own any kind of boat. I had briefly considered renting a houseboat, thinking that would be a unique and fun experience. However, my initial search did not turn up any availability for our timeframe. Then, after a gulp at the prices, which considering what we were doing really weren't out-of-line, I didn't pursue further. 

A couple of days before our stop in the area, I checked the national park website. They offered several boat tours, and we managed to find a two hour one with seats available. The Little America Island tour visited the island for a glimpse into the area's short-lived gold mining past. 

We arrived early for the tour and decided to take a short hike. Hearing that Voyageurs was even worse for mosquitos than Everglades, we broke out our bug suits. I think the deer flies were just as bad as the mosquitos here. The mosquitos were not as bad as we feared. For our experience, the most mosquitos award is firmly in the Everglades. 

Log Stamps - like branding cattle


One of the rentals cruising by

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